Monday, March 3, 2008

"Unique" Point of View NSFW

Before I forget, I want to give an online shout-out to my youngest brother, Liam. He turns a manly 18, today. Last night, Liam was quoted as saying, "Eighteen isn't actually all that great. You're only old enough to enlist, smoke, and buy porn. I don't smoke, and I've already enlisted. As for the porn... well, age never really stopped me." Well said, little bro!

And I know the truth of the porn comment. He was fifteen when I accidentally stumbled upon his porn stash... on the family computer. Being the nourishing, responsible older sister I am, I taught him how to hide it better. >=}

So, Liam... 18 years ago today, our mother was screaming in pain, sweating, and bleeding, to push your wet, wrinkled, and rather cranky ass out of her stretched vagina. Isn't it awesome?

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a lovely picture. Reminds me why I don't want children.