Friday, March 14, 2008

Congratulations! You're the proud parent of a bigot!

Ugh. This is disgusting. Representative Kern from Oklahoma, taking good care of the people who elected her...

And I quote...
"I'm not anti-Gay, and I'm not Gay bashing... ... Gay people are going to destroy this nation..."

What... the... hell?

I can't really sum up my thoughts on this woman. I'm enraged that an elected official has such blatant disregard for the separation of Church and State and the rights and feelings of people she represents. I know she's lying when she says that "studies have shown" that any society that "completely embraces homosexuality" can't last more than "a few decades." It's outrageous when she says that Gays are trying to "indoctrinate" two year-old children via the school system. (Umm, since when do two-year olds go to school, anyway?)

Wow, even though she's a Representative, she sure doesn't try to protect her people, does she?

Here's a thought, lady-

You want to go to church. Fine. You go.
You want to bash the GBLT community. Do it at church.
You want to lie? Do it at church.
You want to call GBLT Americans "the biggest threat to this country?" Do it at church.
If you want to hide behind the long-standing political shelter of children? Start arresting, castrating, and executing pedophiles!
If you want to use your power appropriately? Stop encouraging bigotry and hate crimes just because YOU disagree with us.

I am not a threat to this country. Cody is not a threat. Eric, for all his talk, wouldn't hurt a fly. Neither would Jon. Same for Jim! And Squid! And Nicole! Really, all we want is to live our lives and be happy with them! Is that so much to ask?

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