Tuesday, February 19, 2008


So, I probably owe you all an explanation as to how this started. It's all Mayren's fault.

I met Mayren through the forums on one of my favorite webcomics. The shameless link plug is here-
Mayren and I seem to share an awful lot of interests- anime, addicting games, wreaking havoc, and so on. I also love her sense of humor. She is HI-larious. She's also very sweet. I won't lie- it really goes to my head when she says things like "Bunny should write for you guys. She's funny." Or "I wish I could meet you in person, Bunny! We'd be bestest friends." I agree.

Mayren also wrote about me in her blog. She wished that she knew where my blog was, so that we could "see" more of each other, as it were. So I got this wacky idea to actually start a blog. Crazy, no? I felt horrible, not having something I could share with her, when she was sharing with me. Add to that the fact that almost everybody I know has one, and "all the cool kids are doing it." So, here we are. This is your fault, Mayren. I love you for it. At that point which we should meet, I will heap much chocolate and glompage upon your person. Doesn't that sound like fun?

1 comment:

Mayren said...

i am popping your comment cherry!

you are the greatest EVER!

I fully take all the blame for you starting a blog.

if you were president you'd be Babe-ra-ham Lincoln.

I wish upon you much fun and an endless amount of posting to express your whims and desires.
(honestly it really is theraputic.)