Tuesday, February 19, 2008

3/4 Time

So, Tchaikovsky writes really, REALLY good "Let's be productive!" music. Wanna know what I think? It's all the waltzes. Waltz of the Snowflakes, Waltz of the Flowers, etc. The lively 3/4 time signature just makes me want to dance through the house, waving my sequined wand and watching the animals tidy up. Okay. I exaggerate a little bit. It's really good for getting up and moving, though! Anyone who's not sick to death of the Nutcracker would do well to take note. If you hate the Nutcracker, pick up Swan Lake. If you hate Swan Lake, FUCK YOU! Seriously, grab your shit and leave my blog. Swan Lake is my favorite ballet, fairy tale, and classical music score. You can take your total lack of taste somewhere else...

Maybe that was a little harsh. But, hey, I'm a music snob! I was a music ed major before I got sick of theory, and I've played flute and sung in audition choirs since the age of eleven. Mind you, I don't study music as heavily any more, but I was once VERY good. I know what I'm talking about, yo. I plan to pick those back up when I get the time and patience (music is hard work!), but until then I'll be content with lording over all you musical n00bs.

All hail Tchaikovsky!

Dishes, HERE I COME!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

LOL. "If you don't like Swan Lake, well, FUCK YOU!" ^__^
I LOVE Tchaikovsky. I am especially fond of Swan Lake and the 1812 Overture.
Hi Erin! We must play again. Sometime soon!