Monday, February 25, 2008

The Anceint and Delicate Art of Wasting Time

As you can see, I'm putting off emailing my professor, because Chinese hurts my brain.

( ) Smoked a cigarette.
(x) Drank so much you threw up
(x) Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back
( ) Been arrested
( ) Gone on a blind date
(x) Skipped school
( ) Watched someone die
(x) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been to Florida
(x) Been on a plane
(x) Been lost
(x) Been on the opposite side of the country
(x) Gone to Washington DC
(x) Swam in the ocean
(x) Felt like dying
(x) Cried yourself to sleep
(x) Played cops and robbers
(x) Recently colored with crayons
( ) Sang karaoke
(x) Paid for a meal with only coins.
(x) Done something you told yourself you wouldn't?
(x) Made prank phone calls
(x) Laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose
(x) Caught a snowflake on your tongue and made snow angels too
( ) Danced in the rain
( ) Written a letter to Santa Claus
(x) Been kissed under the mistletoe
( ) Watched the sunrise with someone you care about
(x) Blown bubbles
( ) Made a bonfire on the beach?
(x) Crashed a party
( ) Gone ice-skating
( ) Been skinny dipping

1. Any nicknames? Ducky, Kitty, Bunny (Note that, when thrown in a room, they'd probably all try to kill one another!)
2. Mother's name? Gertrude (She hates it. XD )
3. Favorite drink? Orange soda. (Sooo unhealthy.)
5. Body piercing? Ear lobes. Nothing fancy yet. I'm considering a belly piercing, though.
6. How much do you love your job? I hate it with the burning, flaming passion of a thousand suns. I work for Wal-Mart, for crying out loud!
7. Birthplace? Elizabeth, New Jersey
8. Favorite vacation spot? Vacation? What's that?
9. Ever been to Africa? That would require a smallpox vaccination, and I HATE NEEDLES.
10. Ever eaten cookies for dinner? Duh.
11. Ever been on TV? Once. I didn't know until my mom saw me on the news afterward. ^^;
12. Ever steal any traffic signs? The proper term is "requisition." And I was only an accomplice.
13. Ever been in a car accident? Fender-benders and love taps. Nothing scary yet.
14. Drive a 2-door or 4-door vehicle? My four door, gold Focus. I call her "Hand Basket." Get it?
15. Favorite salad dressing? Ranch. (So unhealthy!)
16. Favorite pie? Three-way tie between peach, cherry, and apple.
17. Favorite number? Four is a good number for Scorpio.
18. Favorite movie? I couldn't pick to save my life.
19. Favorite holiday? Halloween. It's been hijacked by popular culture, but at least there aren't many religious overtones.
20. Favorite dessert? Don't make me choose!
21. Favorite food? Sushi. Hands down.
22. Favorite day of the week? Any day I don't have to get stuff done?
23. Favorite brand of body wash? B&BW Japanese Cherry Blossom.
24. Favorite smell? Cannot choose.
26. What do you do to relax? I turn on a video game and pwnz things. Nothing like destruction to channel negative energy!
27. Do you have a message to your friends reading this? Umm... Does anybody know where 25 went?
28. How do you see yourself in 10 years? I can't see stuff that's, like, 3 feet away. Don't be so demanding. =p
29. Furthest Place you will send this message? It's the bloody internet!
30. Who will respond to this the fastest? Ummm...?
31. Who is the least likely to respond? Double Ummm...?

1 comment:

Mayren said...

nice post ! You're on your way to Bloggy heaven now that you've got your first MeMe out of the way.
