Friday, July 11, 2008

Wild Penis

So, when I showed Linus an amusing picture, this was his response-

"What? They grow wild, now? And here I was, wasting time as I tried to cultivate my own. "

This was a mistake on his part, as it set in motion a demented train of thought...

Yes, despite the attempts of that other Vatican, penises can now be found growing wild.
Hikers must be careful to avoid larger clumps, lest the penises try to tear a hole through their clothes.
Agitating the penises is also not recommended, as they may attempt to spit at anybody who's harassing them.
Normally, however, penises are rather limp and docile, and are known to be fond of the occasional stroking.

... No more caffeine for me...

PS. To read the hilarious caption, check out Ursula Vernon's artwork at


Unknown said...

Wow, somebody's having a phallic obsession today...

Unknown said...

Call in the stunt cock! Stunt cock! (ref. see "Orgazmo")