Monday, July 21, 2008

Deep Thoughts, pt 3

After beating God of War 2 for the (insert insanely large number here) time, I find myself worried that I am preoccupied with vengeance. I have previously discussed my temper, which is bad... But I think it's even worse that I can go on hating somebody with that kind of ferocity for years.

I do not exaggerate when I say years.

My record is eleven years and counting. Mind you, I hate THAT guy for a damn good reason, but that's still a pretty long time to wish death by gerbil rape on anybody. That, and I'm not sure that having a "good reason" makes it less petty or immature of me.

Everybody, even the Bible, tells you that "letting it go" or "turning the other cheek" is what you're supposed to do. Is there a limit to the "turn the other cheek" response? Is there a "shit cap" on what people do to you that, once exceeded, allows you to circumvent the mature and socially acceptable course of action?

Or do I just want to see another person suffer so badly that I'm willing to ignore conventional wisdom and societal norms?

Hmm... I shall have to think about all this... Preferably before the next time I storm Mount Olympus and destroy Western society because Zeus stabbed me...

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