Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rings n Things


I've totally been putting this off...

So, anybody who reads Herr Doktor's blog will know that he wishes to marry me.

Nothing could make me happier.

Brian is, hands down, the best partner I've ever had. He takes care of me, supports me, and goes far out of his way to make sure that I have a good day. Every day. He gets along great with my family, and he's not bothered by the fact that one of my brothers is autistic. He's always sweet and understanding, and doesn't mind indulging my goofy and/or geeky tendencies. He's intelligent, and, even if I weren't in love with him, he'd be a blast to hang around. It feels like we match in every way. Oh. And he's really, really hawt. Like, sizzling-to-the-touch hawt. I am convinced that I am the luckiest girl in the world to have him.

Technically, we're not engaged yet. We must still decide upon a ring which is pleasing to both our tastes and our coffers, and Brian still has to get down on bended knee. All the same, the last couple weeks have felt... Different. The future is a little more certain, and I feel just a little happier.

For me, Brian is proof that prayers really are answered.


Unknown said...

*^____^* Hooray!

Mayren said...


This is sooo cute news. soon to be engaged. *Huzzah!!!*
I loved being engaged. it was fun and happy. Being marries is still cool but Engagements are special and should be experienced to the fullest!