Saturday, April 5, 2008

Proud parents of a bigot, reprise!

Stupid, stupid people.

I decided yesterday to follow up on this story, since I hadn't heard anything else about it. Perhaps a mistake on my part. Needless to say, there are a lot of people who were offended by Representative Kern's remarks. That still doesn't make it a good idea to write emails saying "You should be killed," or "Do the world a favor and kill yourself."

Kern honestly believes that members of the homosexual community and the Muslim community are easily moved to vice and violence. When you send an email like that, you only convince her that she's right, and you give her ammunition to fire back with. People are going to rally to her cause because she's being attacked and threatened.

Don't get me wrong. I hate the things this woman thinks and says. I don't feel much kindness toward her, either. But responding exactly the way she thinks we will, maybe even the way she WANTS US TO, is not going to help.

She wants to convince the world that we're evil, and we're laying evidence to support her claims at her feet.

I'm not saying she shouldn't be punished. Lawmakers and elected officials are supposed to be able to separate their personal bias from legal decisions, (*cough*SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE*cough*) which she obviously can't do. As such, she should not be allowed to retain her position as a member of the government. But death threats aren't going to do much, people. And you probably won't get anywhere telling her how mean she is. All I'm asking is that you not send threats, veiled or no, to someone who already hates us as a whole.

Don't make this worse.

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