Sunday, June 14, 2009


So, I've actually kind of hated living in Cheyenne. I mean, yeah, it's worth it to get Brian through school. But I had to switch jobs, so I'm not dealing with the assholes I'm used to any more. I get an entirely new set of assholes to learn about!
It's a bigger city, so I can go shopping... Until about 6 p.m., because businesses in Cheyenne apparently have better things to do than stay open and SELL STUFF!
Everybody here drives, parks, and even walks like an idiot. They're not being aggressive, they just don't notice the little lines that you shouldn't cross over, and they don't know that red means stop.
There are people with cigarettes and chewing tobacco EVERYWHERE. I guess it's to be expected, but it still really bothers me that I can't walk through the Wally World parking lot to get to work without coughing up a lung.
Also, all my friends are still in Laramie. Yeah, I know one or two people here, but that's not really enough.

But we are making progress! Brian is kicking butt and taking names in school. I am so very proud of that man. =)
I have been working on starting a Go Club at a neat local cafe. It's still very small ~cough~Just me!~cough~ but I'm putting up more ads around town.
And now I've met a Shakespeare group! Apparently, they've been having trouble finding enough cast members for the ever-popular Midsummer Night's Dream. So when a group member dropped off a script she asked me if I wanted to be Hippolyta. Queen of the Amazons? Hells, yes! I've missed theatre, since my most recent activity in it was the class I took in Fall of '06, so I'm jumping at this opportunity! Mayhap I will finally expand my wee circle of friends!

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