Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Egads! I just got weirder!

I have added yet another quirk to my laundry list of oddities. Now that I work as an optician, I have an eye-wear fetish.

I happened upon this revelation when I stumbled onto this picture-

Zachary Quinto plays Spock in the new Star Trek movie, and Sylar on Heroes. He is pictured to the right in big honkin' glasses. Nice big zyl frames, and, if I had to guess the prescription, I would say he's either plano or just a little near-sighted. And, the more I stare at those glasses, the more I think myopia makes me hawt. Oooh, talk astigmatism to me, baby. Yeah, just like that...

On a less disturbing note, check out his eyebrows. For the role of Spock, about three-quarters of ZQ's brows were sacrificed to the razor god. You can kind of see how slender they are behind the glasses. Clever disguise, no?


Linus said...

As fetishes go,this is pretty mild, unless you can find a way to work a safe-word in there...

Unknown said...

I totally crush on nerd glasses too. They don't look good on everyone but god, I nerd-gasm for menz like Quinto.