Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bomb nom nom!

So, I just want to start off by saying FUCK FLOOR-MASTERS! FUCK THEM ALL TO HELL! ... Okay, I feel better now.

For those of you who didn't pick up on that thinly veiled reference, I've been playing a lot of Zelda lately. I replayed Twilight Princess in record time, restarted Ocarina of Time, and then acquired Windwaker. Once you get past the cel shading, Windwaker is actually a really great game. Several of the game play elements are pretty different from other installments- like being able to steal from enemies, or control secondary characters- but the puzzles are ingenious and the boss fights are a blast. Also, there are statues with gaping mouths that you throw bombs into! Open wide, beeyotch!

I also have a new job! I now work in the Wal-mart Vision Center! I bet some of you are thinking, "Oooh! Whoopdee doo!" Really, though, the Vision Center is so much more satisfying, and less stressful by far than the service desk. It also offers the opportunity to take the certification exam to become a licensed optician. Opticians are kind of like dental assistants- they get things ready for the doctor. Opticians run lab equipment and perform several tests for patients, order and adjust eyeglasses, and do repairs. I get to wear professional dress instead of my worn-to-pieces khakis and polos. I also got hooked up with glasses and contacts, so Brian doesn't have to read road signs for me any longer. It makes me feel smart when I can explain the benefits of polycarbonate lenses as opposed to high index. I know the second leading cause of blindness in our country and what triggers the condition. I can straighten frames and insert lenses, replace nose pads, and extricate broken screws.

Oh, and I went through the training course (complete with three-inch workbook and online comprehension tests) and all my on-the-job training in sixteen days. Woot for me!

Last, but not least, Watchmen was AMAZING. That was the best transition of any novel or comic to a movie that I have ever seen. All hail Zack Snyder and his respect for source material! All hail some of the most amazing actors in the verse! And, to cheapen the moment, all hail thigh-high black boots!


Mayren said...

#1 -
i love replaying all zelda it's just

#2 - hella cool on the new job plus new skillz

#3 - i've been wondering if i should take a chance on watchmen so thanks for the thumbs up sign on it.

#4 - YAY that your doing well !

Linus said...

Congrats on your new gig - sounds better than handling returns all day! :)