Monday, February 2, 2009

Married in a hurry!

So, three weeks ago, my youngest brother called me on one of my days off. He joined the SeaBees* this summer, so it's been some time since we've seen each other. He went off to boot camp in Chicago between June and September, and then spent several months in California doing some advanced training. Now he's stationed in Virginia.

This is what he said.
"So... I'm getting deployed next year, and I won't be able to take any leave after mid-February. You and Brian wanna get married while I'm up there?"

This is what I said.

Little did I know what I was promising. I didn't know how much was involved in planning a wedding. You have to figure out the venue for the ceremony and the reception, what food is going to be served at the reception, who's coming, how everything will be decorated, music, gifts and registries, the list goes on. You have to reserve places, people, and times, making appointments for consultations, do all the legal paperwork, etc.

My only regret is, what with us being poor students right now, my wedding will not be as large as I would prefer. In a few years we'll be having a nice big vow renewal, where I can invite everyone I want. For now, though, we're sticking to twenty people. That's already more than enough planning, anyway!

Funny thing is... It's all going to be worth it. I feel so happy, so certain of my place in the world and the promise of future prosperity.

I still, however, fear that I will suffer a bad hair day.

*SeaBees- A division of the Navy devoted to the construction and maintenance of buildings and vehicles. Their motto is "Construimus, Batuimus" – translated into English as "We Build, We Fight." and they are classified as special warfare. Founded during World War II, the SeaBees contributed heavily to the landing on Normandy Beach, and have been kicking ass ever since.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nonsense. You'll look perfect. But makesure to go to the hair dresser and really utilize all that beautiful hair you have!